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Before accepting this Agreement, please read this Agreement fully and carefully (in particularly those clauses marked in bold and with underline, including provisions on exclusion or limitation of liability, termination, breach liability and dispute settlement). Once you click to accept this Agreement, it shall be deemed that the legal entity corresponding to the Tmall account you use agrees to be bound by this Agreement.
If you have any question on any provision hereof, please raise your question through Tmall customer service and Tmall will explain to you. If you disagree with any provision hereof or are unable to accurately understand the content or explanation of any provision, please do not proceed with your operation.
(Tmall Merchant Service Agreement)
(Last updated on: September 12, 2024)
This Agreement is entered into among the legal entity that agrees with this Agreement and uses Services in accordance herewith (“Merchant”, “Party A” or “you”), Zhejiang Tmall Technology Co., Ltd. (“Party B”) , Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd.(“Party C”) and Zhejiang Tmall Commercial Technology Co., Ltd. (“Party D”).
In this Agreement, Party A, Party B ,Party C and Party D are collectively referred to as “Parties”, and Party B , Party C and Party D are collectively referred to as “Tmall”.
Tmall Platform refers to the website for which Tmall provide Internet Information Service and related software and technical support (at www.tmall.com or other URL as modified by Tmall from time to time, such as URL for computers and mobile devices, etc.) and client (such as mobile applications, etc.).
Merchant refers to the legal entity which operates commodities or services on Tmall Platform.
Consumer or Buyer refers to any individual or entity that purchases commodities or services on Tmall Platform for consumption.
Rules refers to all rules, regulations, appraisal standards, interpretations, process explanations, announcements, etc., published or to be published in rules channel, maowo.tmall.com, forums, help centers or other sections in Tmall Platform.
Admission Standards refers to the requirements which shall be satisfied if the Merchants intend to use Services , such as requirements on registered capital, trademark registration, etc., which shall be subject to those published in rules channel in Tmall Platform.
Tmall services refer to the Internet Information Service and the Software Service in Relation to Internet Information Service, Secondary Domain Name Service, Credit System Software Service, etc., provided by Tmall to Merchants on Tmall Platform. All services hereunder constitute the fundamental services required for you as a merchant, to conduct business on the Tmall platform.They shall be provided and terminated simultaneously and the Merchants shall not choose to purchase or use only one of them.
Internet Information Service refers to the service provided by Party C of displaying store and commodity/service information on Tmall Platform for the Merchants.
Software Service in Relation to Internet Information Service refers to the software service provided by Party B for the Merchants in connection with information display and order creation.
Secondary Domain Name Service refers to the service provided by Party C of allowing Merchants to use the secondary domain names with the key words of their brand, trade name and other marks in accordance with Regulations for Naming Tmall Stores.
Credit System Software Service refers to the software service provided by Party B to the Merchants in connection with the use of credit system software.
“商家基础软件服务“ 指丁方向商户提供的、与平台交易相关的商家基础软件服务。
Merchant Basic Software Service refers to the software service provided by Party D to the Merchants in connection with the transaction management through Internet.
Other Services refers to the other services provided by Tmall to the Merchants, the details of which are subject to Appendix 2 or supplementary agreement hereto.
Service Activation refers to the process of Tmall, after its review, permitting the Merchant to open online store on Tmall Platform and use Services and notifying the Merchant of such permission, after the Merchant logs in to Tmall Platform website, submits information, executes agreement and makes payment accordingly.
Appraisal Standards refers to the indexes and standards formulated by Tmall to appraise the Merchants in terms of brand, store and other factors so as to improve consumer experience and operational capabilities of the Merchants on Tmall Platform.
Tmall Merchant Service Terms refers to Appendix 2 hereto, or the Tmall Merchant Service Terms (Minimum Guarantee) otherwise executed among the Parties. Where there is any conflict between such Tmall Merchant Service Terms (Minimum Guarantee) otherwise executed among the Parties and Appendix 2 hereto, the former shall prevail.
“Payment Services” refers to services for collecting and making payments on behalf of the Merchants and related software service system provided to the Merchants by Payment Institutions.
“支付机构” 指向商户提供支付服务的银行业金融机构或非银行支付机构。
“Payment Instiution”refers to banking financial institutions or non-bank payment institutions that provide Payment Services to the Merchants.
“Payment Account”refers to the account opened by the Merchants with Payment Institutions for the purpose of receiving Payment Services.
“Funds to be settled”refers to funds that are collected and paid by the Payment Institutions for merchants and are in a state of pending settlement. The transaction payment will be in a pending settlement state from the time Tmall instructs the Payment Institutions to transfer the funds to the Merchant according to this agreement until the actual settlement (including withdrawal) to the Merchant’s Payment Account.
“Confirmation of Receipt”refers to the point in time when the Tmall Platform identifies or determines that the Buyer has confirmed receipt of all or part of the goods and advances the transaction status to the final state (transaction successful/transaction closed). This includes scenarios where the Buyer clicks to confirm receipt according to the transaction process or where the system automatically confirms receipt according to the Rules (such as the transaction timing out during the waiting period for the buyer’s confirmation, or Tmall intervening in dispute resolution and forming a resolution).
“关联公司”指阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司(Alibaba Group Holding Limited)最新上市公司年报(http://www.alibabagroup.com/cn/ir/secfilings)披露的天猫的关联公司。
Tmall’s Affiliate refers to any affiliate of Tmall as disclosed by Alibaba Group Holding Limited in its latest annual report (URL: http://www.alibabagroup.com/cn/ir/secfilings)
二、协议范围及效力(Scope of the Agreement and Term)
This Agreement comprises of the main body hereof and all Rules published or to be published by Tmall and notified to Merchants in accordance with laws (please refer to Tmall rules channel (current domain name: guize.tmall.com) and Merchants Center at the back end for Merchants. If there is any conflict between any Rules displayed at different places, those displayed in Tmall rules channel shall prevail). All Rules published by Tmall shall constitute an integral part of, and have the same legal force and effect with the main body of, this Agreement.
In order to continue to improve the consumers’ and Merchants’ experience, adapt to the laws and regulations or otherwise, Tmall may make necessary modifications to this Agreement, provided that Tmall shall make an announcement on Tmall Platform website at least 7 days in advance prior to the effectiveness of any modification that would impact the rights or obligations of the Merchants. Upon its effectiveness, any modification to this Agreement shall become a supplement to the rights and obligations of the Parties and constitute an integral part of this Agreement. You must notify Tmall if you disagree with any modification, in which case Tmall may terminate the relevant modification or either Party may terminate this Agreement prior to the effectiveness thereof at its own discretion (the Merchant may choose to terminate this Agreement voluntarily from its backend). Your continued login or use of Services after the effectiveness of any modification shall be deemed as your acceptance of this Agreement as modified. Unless otherwise stated or with a written agreement, all additions to the scope of Services and all enhancement to the software functions provided by Tmall for the purpose of improving consumers’ and Merchants’ experience and upgrading the Services shall be subject to this Agreement.
Once it is confirmed by clicking by you or any person authorized by you or it is otherwise executed between you and Tmall, this Agreement shall be legally binding upon both you and Tmall. For Merchants that have activated Services before this Agreement takes effect, this Agreement constitutes the amendment and supplement to the agreements concluded among the Parties in relation to the use of Services.
三、账户使用及信息提交(Use of Account and Information Submission)
In the process of using the Tmall Services, you must use the Tmall account and your own password to log in to the Tmall Platform. You should properly keep your Tmall account and password by yourself. You may not transfer or authorize others to use or allow others to obtain/use information under your account without the consent of Tmall, as the account is associated with you and Tmall’s business information and may involve consumer interests, otherwise Tmall may terminate the provision of the Services to the Tmall account.
In the absence of fault of Tmall, you shall be responsible for the consequences of all actions under your account (including but not limited to on-line execution of various agreements, publishing and disclosure of information). All actions completed through your Tmall account shall be regarded as your personal actions, or having been fully authorized by you.
If the Merchant intends to use the Services hereunder, it must submit relevant information and supporting documents in accordance with the Admission Standards, the Rules and the instructions on the page of Tmall websites. You understand and agree that you are obliged to ensure that all information and materials provided by you are true, legal, accurate and valid, and you shall timely update the same in case of any change thereof. The Merchant agrees that, based on the relevant laws and regulations and the requirements of platform management, Tmall may conduct spot check on the Merchant’s information and supporting documents from time to time, and require the Merchant to submit additional information or supporting documents for the above purpose. You understand and acknowledge that Tmall is only capable of reviewing the Merchant’s information, supporting documents and application for granting operation authority with a knowledge level of the general public, and unless otherwise provided by laws, Tmall shall not be liable for any loss suffered by the Merchant due to its reliance on the result of such review.
(一)保证金的性质(Nature of Deposit)
Deposit hereunder refers to certain funds in the account specified by Tmall or the specified account opened at Zhejiang E-Commerce Bank Co., Ltd. (“MYBank”) by voluntary payment, authorized debit , or other means (please follow the instructions on Tmall’s system prompts), the payment with which shall be suspended/paid as agreed by the Merchant and which shall be dedicated for use in accordance with this Agreement and/or MYBank Performance Guarantee Service Agreement as the guarantee provided by the Merchant itself/the counter guarantee for the performance guarantee provided by MYBank for the Merchant, so as to ultimately ensure the performance of and compliance with this Agreement by the Merchant. and Tmall enjoys the first priority of compensation for the deposit.
(二)保证金的额度及缴存(Amount and Payment of Deposit)
The amount and payment method of deposit shall be determined in accordance with Tmall’s Admission Standards and other related rules and agreements. In case of any change in deposit payment method, Tmall will notify you 15 days in advance.
(三)保证金的管理和使用(Management and Use of Deposit)
In addition to suspension of payment with the deposit and payment/authorized debit of deposit to Tmall’s specified account or the specified account opened at MYBank for its escrow, you agree that Tmall may also manage and use deposit in the following ways:
If you violate the relevant laws and regulations, this Agreement or commitment to the Buyer, which results in or may result in any damage to the Buyer’s rights and interests, or if you shall make refund, pay liquidated damages or compensation to the Buyer pursuant to this Agreement, you agree that Tmall may determine liabilities according to the relevant Tmall Platform Rules and procedures, and, based on the above determination, notify MYBank/ Payment Institutions to debit an amount from your deposit to make refund, pay liquidated damages or compensation to the Buyer on your behalf.
If you violate the relevant laws and regulations or this Agreement, causing damage to Tmall’s rights and interests (including without limitation administrative penalty imposed on Tmall, Tmall being judged as having conducted infringement, or damage to Tmall’s goodwill), or if you shall pay Tmall liquidated damages or compensation pursuant to this Agreement, or if you owe any outstanding amount to Tmall (whether under this Agreement or not), you agree that Tmall may notify MYBank/ Payment Institutions to debit the corresponding amount from your deposit to Tmall’s specified account.
If you violate any agreement with Tmall’s Affiliate, where economic losses are caused to such Affiliate, you are obliged to pay liquidated damages to such Affiliate, or you are obliged to make refund or pay liquidated damages to consumers or other third parties in accordance with the agreement you made with Tmall’s Affiliate, Tmall is authorized by you to notify MYBank/ Payment Institutions to suspend payment with the corresponding amount out of your deposit, or directly debit the same to the account of such Affiliate, upon the request of such Affiliate. Unless otherwise provided by laws, Tmall shall undertake no liability for the above instructions, and you shall be solely responsible for settling any dispute with such Affiliate.
In order to improve customer experience, Tmall will introduce a partner who provide prepaid card services for buyers. You understand and agree if buyer uses prepaid card to pay for purchase settlement. Meanwhile, you shall perform billing obligation to the partner in accordance with the relevant agreement. Otherwise, you agree that Tmall may notify MYBank/ Payment Institutions to deduct the corresponding amount from deposit to compensate the partner according to the agreement between you and the partner.
If Tmall instructs MYBank/ Payment Institutions to debit your deposit in accordance with this Agreement, it shall notify you in writing (including without limitation email, website message and fax), specifying the reason for such debit and amount debited.
After MYBank/ Payment Institutions debits the required amount from your deposit or uses the same for payment at Tmall’s instruction, you agree that Tmall may notify MYBank/ Payment Institutions to debit/suspend payment with equivalent amount from the balance in your Payment Account or funds to be settled in accordance with this Agreement to make up for the deposit. In case the balance in your Payment Account or funds to be settled is insufficient to make up for the deposit, you shall otherwise pay deposit within 15 days upon receipt of a notice from Tmall. In case it is otherwise agreed between you and MYBank with respect to the method of making up for deposit that is paid to the specified account of MYBank, such agreement shall prevail.
In case of any of the following circumstances which harms consumer rights and interests or causes the liability of Tmall for payment or compensation to a third party (both actual and contingent) exceeds the available balance of the Merchant’s deposit, then you agree that Tmall may instruct Payment Institutions to directly suspend any payment in the Merchant’s Payment Account and/or transfer the corresponding amount to be deducted to Tmall’s designated account as per Tmall’s request  which will be deemed as the Deposit for payment of compensation for consumers, or directly pay the same to Tmall so as to compensate losses suffered by Tmall:
A petition for bankruptcy is filed by or against the Merchant;
the Merchant shall undertake liabilities to a third party due to its operation on Tmall Platform, the amount of which is higher than the balance of deposit;
There is evidence proving that the Merchant has lost or may have lost the capability to perform the Agreement, for example, the Merchant’s operations worsen seriously, the Merchant loses its commercial goodwill, the Merchant’s debt-paying capacity decreases significantly, or the Merchant attempts to transfer its assets or obtains the deposit through fraudulent means.
(四)保证金的退还(Deposit Return)
Unless otherwise specified herein, if the Agreement has been terminated for three months and you have no outstanding transaction or pending complaint, penalty or dispute (including without limitation controversy or dispute with Tmall, Consumer or any other third party), Tmall will notify MYBank and/or Payment Institutions to return the remaining deposit to your Payment Account to terminate the suspension of your deposit within ten (10) working days.
五、服务与费用(Services and Fees)
You shall settle with Tmall in accordance with the following provisions, unless the written Tmall Merchant Service Terms (Minimum Guarantee) is executed among and affixed with the seals of the Parties hereto, in which case the settlement shall be subject to Tmall Merchant Service Terms (Minimum Guarantee):
(一)乙方提供的服务及收费(Services Provided by Party B and Charges)
1、与互联网信息服务相关的软件服务(Software Service in Relation to Internet Information Service)
Party B shall provide the Merchant with Software Service in Relation to Internet Information Service, including the software system for searching commodities, creating orders and other services. The software service fees charged by Party B from the Merchant shall consist of two parts, i.e., annual fee and the amount for real-time debit,the real-time debit part can be referred to as Category Software Service Fee.
Unless the Parties sign a separate agreement, the detailed amount and payment method of the annual fee shall be subject to the relevant criterion of payment of annual fee for the relevant year as published by Tmall Platform. Upon the termination hereof or expiration of the service term, Party B shall settle the annual fee in accordance with the period for the actual use of the Services (including the period in which the rights of store are restricted, the search thereof is restricted, or the store is blocked and suspended due to breach of this Agreement by the store).
The Category Software Service Fee shall be based on the transaction amount of orders  (subject to the transaction amount recorded in the transaction software system of Tmall Platform). After the receipt of the commodity under the purchase order is confirmed, Party B shall notify Payment Institutions to conduct real-time debit at the rate of annual fee for software service for the relevant year as published by Tmall. In case of return of the commodity non-attributable to you, Tmall shall, after verifying the return of commodity based on Tmall’s online refund record of the Buyer and you, return to you the category software service fee debited in real time for such returned commodity. If you return payment to the Buyer offline, regardless of any evidence provided by you to prove such refund, Tmall shall not return to you the category software service fee debited in real time for such refunded purchase.
In order to encourage the Merchants to improve service quality and transaction amount, other than special categories or unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, Tmall will grant you discount of annual fee in accordance with the conditions and criterion of discounts of annual fee for the relevant year published on Tmall Platform. Settlement of discount of annual fee shall commence upon termination or expiration of the service term, and the specific amount of discount shall be calculated according to the length of the period for your use of Tmall Services. Only when your commodity information and transaction amount are true, legal and compliant with this Agreement and Tmall has received the category software service fee in respect of such transaction of commodity can such transaction amount of commodity be included into the transaction amount for the whole year/the service term and used as the basis for calculation of discount of annual fee.
If you have used the Services for an entire year, Tmall shall settle and refund annual fee according to the yearly transaction amount of your store; otherwise, Tmall shall re-calculate the amount of annual fee to be paid by you and the transaction amount to be completed by you in proportion to the period of actual use of the Services in the entire year, and determine whether to grant you discount of annual fee based on the assessment of transaction amount within the period of use of the Services.
If the charging plan for the annual fee or the category software service fee, such as the amount, rate, and the payment method, is not clear in whole or in part when you subscribe to the Services, considering that the fee is unavoidable, in order to ensure the smooth cooperation, you agree that Tmall can specify the charging plan within a reasonable period after you subscribe to the Services, and announce it on the Tmall platform at least 7 days in advance. When taking effect, the charging plan is retroactive to the date when you subscribe to the Services. In other words, you shall pay according to the charging plan from the date when you subscribe to the Services.
2、与积分系统相关的软件服务(Credit System Software Service Fees)
Credit System Software Service fee: In your operation on Tmall Platform, Tmall launches the member loyalty plan in collaboration with the Merchant and provide Merchant with credit system software service in order to increase the customers’loyalty, and you agree to use the credit system software (the collective name of all marketing software provided by Tmall, which supports the granting of credits, including without limitation Tmall credit, Tmall voucher, red packet and other types of credits subsequently provided by Tmall, the names of which shall be subject to those actually used by Tmall,Tmall credit, Tmall voucher, red packet and other types of credits subsequently provided by Tmall are hereinafter collectively referred to as “points”) to grant the various types of credits to the customers (who possess the credits may enjoy various interests such as 88vip interests based on the member loyalty plan, and so on). Based on the quantity or amount of various types of credits granted to Consumers through such software, the Merchant agrees to pay the Credit System Software Service fee to such Payment Account as designated by Tmall at a certain percentage (the specific percentage shall be subject to Appendix 2 hereto, Tmall Merchant Service Terms or other agreement relating to Credit System Software Service separately signed by the Parties. The transaction amount shall be subject to the Merchant’s transaction amount recorded in the transaction software system of Tmall Platform , and the quantity or amount of various types of credits shall be subject to the record in Tmall system). The debit and payment of such software service fees shall be completed automatically by Payment Institutions as instructed by Tmall. In case of return of commodity non-attributable to you, Tmall shall, after verifying the return of commodity based on Tmall’s online refund record of the Buyer and you, return to you the Credit System Software Service fee charged for such returned commodity. If you return payment to the Buyer offline, regardless of any evidence provided by you to prove such refund, Tmall shall not return to you the Credit System Software Service fee received for such refunded purchase.
2) 积分的发放:在您依本协议约定支付积分系统软件服务费的前提下,天猫可按以下方式向消费者发放积分:
Granting of credits: Subject to your payment of Credit System Software Service fee pursuant to this Agreement, Tmall may grant credits to Consumers through the following methods:
a. 以您就每笔订单实际收到的款项为基数,按照一定比例向买家发放天猫积分(和/或天猫后续提供的其他类型积分,该比例由天猫确定最低标准并可由商户自行调整提高)。
Based on the amount actually received by you in respect of each purchase order, Tmall may grant Consumers Tmall credits (and/or other types of credits subsequently provided by Tmall) at a certain percentage, the minimum of which percentage shall be determined by Tmall and may be adjusted upward by the Merchant at its own discretion;
b. 依规则中商户以天猫积分形式向买家进行赔付的规定,向买家发放相应积分。
In accordance with the provisions of the Rules in relation to compensation to Buyers in the form of Tmall credits, Tmall may grant Buyers the corresponding credits;
c. 按照活动方案或具体场景制定积分的发放、使用、失效等规则(前述规则由天猫确定并通过积分系统软件配置)并按照规则进行积分发放。
Tmall shall formulate the Rules on granting, use and forfeiture of credits based on the event plan or specific scenario (which shall be determined by Tmall and implemented through the credit system software), and grant credits pursuant to such Rules.
3) 积分的使用:您同意买家有权按照积分具备的优惠让利功能或载明的优惠让利额度在您店铺中享受积分权益,买家可按优惠后的价格支付订单款项。基于您接受各类型积分权益, 与天猫共同合作开展会员忠诚计划,过程中天猫将按买家在您店铺中使用积分获取的优惠让利金额,向商户支付相应合作费用(积分与前述费用的比例关系由天猫确定,并以公示或其他合理方式提前通知您)
Use of credits: You agree that the Buyer shall be entitled to the discount with credits in your store according to the discount associated with credits or the specified discount percentage, and the Buyer may pay the amount of a purchase order at the discounted price. Given that you accept various types of credits rights, and collaborate with Tmall on Member Loyalty Plan, Tmall will pay the relevant credit-related promotion collaboration fee to you based on the amount of discount obtained by the Buyer in your store with its credits (the specific percentage shall be determined by Tmall and notified to you in advance through an announcement or other reasonable methods).
Refund and invoice of credit collaboration fee: If the transaction in which the Consumer enjoys discount with its credits is finally canceled, you shall return to Tmall the credit collaboration fee paid to you as aforementioned.
You shall not conduct transaction with any associated party (enterprise or individual having associated interests or economic relationship (e.g., ownership or shareholding right) with you, including without limitation relatives of the legal representative or person-in-charge of the Merchant) for the purpose of obtaining credit collaboration fee (“Illegal Transaction”). If, based on your relevant transactions and other evidence, Tmall reasonably believes that you have conducted such Illegal Transaction, Tmall may stop payment of credit collaboration fee and recover all the credit collaboration fees already paid to you, and may determine based on your Illegal Transaction whether to accept your application for participating in or for continuing to participate in the marketing activities on Tmall Platform.
Prior to May 31 of the year immediately following the execution hereof (or prior to the termination date hereof if this Agreement is terminated prior to such date), you shall issue to Tmall gross, valid and formal invoices for the credit collaboration fees you receive for the previous year.
3、与保证金管理系统相关的软件服务(Software Services System regarding Deposit System Management)
Party B will provide software services regarding Deposit system management, including customized account manage through specific methods, capital flow realization and accounting management, payment/check/reconciliation operation etc. Unless any other independent charging agreement signed by both parties, Party B shall not charge any additional fees to the Merchant. And there is no interest regarding the Deposit paid by the Merchant during the performance guarantee period. 
(二)丙方提供的服务及收费(Services Provided by Party C and Charges)
Internet Information Service: As the owner of the domain name tmall.com, Party C shall display information of the Merchants’commodities and services through its web pages, and provide a platform where the Merchants and Consumers conduct transactions and communicate with each other. Currently, Party C shall provide the Internet Information Service to the Merchants free of charge.
Secondary Domain Name Service: Party C shall allow the Merchants to use the secondary domain names with the key words of their brand, trade name and other marks in accordance with Regulations for Naming Tmall Stores. The title of such secondary domain name shall vest in Party C, and Party C may take back the same due to lawful complaint of a third party or for Tmall’s own use. Currently, Party C shall provide the Secondary Domain Name Service to the Merchants free of charge.
Other Services: In the performance hereof, Party C may provide the Merchants with supply marketing service, market consulting service, training service and other relevant services from time to time. Unless the Parties reach and sign a separate charging agreement, Party C shall provide such services to the Merchants free of charge.
Party D shall provide the Merchant with Basic Merchant Software Service  in Relation to platform transaction (“Merchant Basic Software Service”or “Basic Software Service” ), including the software system for posting commodities , managing transactions setting up payment and other services.
The above service charged by Party D (“Merchant Basic Software Service Fee”or“Basic Software Service Fee”) shall be based on the transaction amount of orders recorded (subject to the transaction amount recorded in Tmall‘s transaction software system). After the receipt of the commodity under the purchase order is confirmed,Tmall shall notify Payment Institutions to conduct real-time debit at the rate of annual fee for Basic Merchant Software Service for the relevant year as published by Tmall. 
(四)服务费发票(Invoice of Service Fee)
Where any service fees are incurred and paid, you may confirm the invoicing information through the back-end system of your store on Tmall, and Tmall will issue to you the VAT invoice at the corresponding amount for the corresponding type of software service fee after it receives the confirmation of information. The specific time and frequency of issuing invoice shall be subject to the Rules.
(五)续签商户服务开通与费用结算(Subscription Renewal and Fee Settlement)
If you have subscribed to the Services prior to the effective date of this Agreement, the Tmall Services and fees payable by you during the current natural year will still be subject to the agreement reached by the Parties prior to the effective date of this Agreement. After this Agreement comes into force, the Tmall Service will be updated and renewed on January 1 of the following year in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, and the subscription date of the Tmall Services you can use in accordance with this Agreement is January 1 of the following year. Special Note: If you have promised Tmall a minimum transaction amount and/or a minimum category software service fee during this natural year, you shall still settle with Tmall in accordance with the provisions under Tmall Merchant Service Terms (Minimum Guarantee).
六、店铺管理及服务规范(Management of Store and Standards of Services)
(一)入驻及经营范围(Admission and Scope of Business)
You must meet Tmall’s current Admission Standards, have legal rights and capabilities to conclude this Agreement and use related Tmall Services, and you are obliged to provide Tmall with true, legal, accurate and valid information and materials in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, agreements, rules and Admission Standards, including business qualifications, brand authorization, business address, contact information, and tax-related information. You acknowledge Tmall’s assessment and judgment on relevant materials and subscription application according to specific conditions, and the assessment results shall be subject to Tmall’s assessment and judgment. Tmall will only provide the Services to you within the business scope of your product brand, category, etc. that meet requirements (approved upon review by Tmall).
In order to fully protect Consumers’ right to know and choose, you shall not allow others to use, whether in disguised form or not, the Services provided by Tmall without the consent of Tmall, otherwise Tmall may terminate the provision of the Services to you.
You acknowledge that Tmall may formulate or modify the Admission Standards in order to improve Consumer experience and comply with laws and regulations, which shall be announced by Tmall on Tmall Platform websites at least 7 days in advance. For those Merchants which have activated the Services prior to effectiveness of the Admission Standards, Tmall will grant them a reasonable period of time for the Merchants to meet the then current Admission Standards within such period. If any Merchant fails to meet such Admission Standards when the reasonable period expired, you agree that Tmall could take some restrictive actions on your commodity and shops or terminate this agreement directly.
(二)店铺信息发布展示及交易管理(Publishing and Display of Store Information and Transaction Management)
Through the services provided by Tmall, the Merchant have the right to publish product and/or service information, solicit and seek out transaction partners, and conclude transactions using text, images, videos, audio, and other forms on Tmall. You declare and warrant that you possess the corresponding and lawful rights to the information you publish, and that the information you publish and the actions you take comply with relevant laws, regulations, national mandatory standards, and the terms of this Agreement. You are obligated to manage your store (including ensuring that the information you publish or that is intelligently optimized by Tmall complies with the aforementioned terms), and you must immediately delete any information in your store that violates relevant national laws and regulations or the terms of this Agreement. Otherwise, Tmall has the right to delete or block the information you publish in accordance with the law or the terms of this Agreement.
The Merchant undertakes that it has the legal right and qualification to publish information concerning sales of commodities and sell such commodities, without infringement of the legitimate rights and interests (including without limitation Intellectual Property Rights, real right and right of portrait) of any third party. The Merchant acknowledges that Tmall may inspect source of commodities (including products that are used in the course of services provided by service commodities) from time to time, and that it has the obligation to keep documents evidencing source of commodities. In case the Merchant fails to provide documents evidencing legitimate source of commodities, Tmall will determine the authenticity of commodities (including products that are used in the course of services provided by service commodities) based on the actual conditions, such as feedback from Consumers, result of verification provided by the trade mark owner and other related right holders or a third party evaluation agency, the Merchant’s commodity information and transaction data, and the Merchant agrees to assume the adverse consequences for failure to provide such evidence.
The Merchant undertakes that in its use of the Services, it shall adhere to the principle of good faith and integrity, not conduct any unfair competition in the process of transaction, not disturb the normal order of online transaction, and not conduct any act unconnected to online transaction on Tmall Platform.
In consideration of relevant characteristics of Internet, the Merchant understands and is aware that the commodities it launches on Tmall Platform may be browsed and purchased by Consumers from different countries and regions around the world. Unless the Merchant expressly specifies that its commodities will only be sold to mainland China, Tmall will not intervene in the possible cross-border sales thereof. Under such circumstance, the Merchant must pay special attention to the laws and regulations (such as those on taxation) enacted in the relevant countries and regions, and ensure that it has the legal right and qualification to publish information concerning sales of commodities and to sell such commodities, without infringement of the legitimate rights and interests (including Intellectual Property Rights and other lawful rights and interests) of any third party.
To fulfill the Merchant’s requirements for transactions and revenue collection on Tmall,it is imperative to activate requisite Payment Services. By proceeding, you hereby affirm that you have thoroughly reviewed and consented to the all the terms set forth in the service agreements promulgated by each individual Payment Institution (click here for review) and Tmall Payment Services Explanation Letter(click here for review), and further grant authorization to Tmall. This authorization permits Tmall, in strict adherence to the aforementioned Payment Institutions service agreements and in compliance with pertinent laws and regulations, to transmit specific Merchant data to the Payment Institution. This data includes, but is not limited to, merchant entity particulars, information regarding the legal representative, contact information, and details pertaining to transaction orders. In addition, the Merchant authorizes Tmall to instruct Alipay. Com Co., Ltd.(“Alipay”)to close the function of “payment with balance” in its Alipay account (the Alipay account bound with the Merchant’s store hereunder).
In its sales of commodities, the Merchant undertakes that as the final retailer, it shall deliver commodities to the Buyers with its own commodities, or those of its affiliates or from Tmall distribution platform instead of through other retailers, enterprises or websites, unless with the prior written consent of Tmall. Otherwise, the Merchant agrees that Tmall may take restrictive measures against the Merchant’s store, terminate this Agreement, or adopt other countermeasures.
You undertake not to take any means or measures (such as express or imply users or otherwise) to transfer the transactions that can be made online on the Tmall platform, or to transfer transactions under the specific category of the Tmall platform to other categories, or charge the transaction amount by bypassing the Payment Service after the transaction is concluded or any situation including but not limited as aforementioned to circumvent or reduce related fees payable to Tmall. If you violate the aforementioned commitments, you agree that Tmall may terminate this Agreement and recover the related fees.
You have the right to determine the way you promote your products and/or services. Tmall will initiate marketing activities from time to time according to market demands and the Merchants’ business operations, and determine the range of Merchants who can sign up for these activities and the preferred dimensions of the Merchants participating in the activities based on the overall strategy for each activity. Eligible Merchants can decide whether to sign up for the activities according to their own business conditions. Merchants who choose to sign up for the activities shall ensure that they always comply with the benchmark rules for marketing activities, the enrollment rules for the activities they have signed up for and other related requirements. In order to jointly ensure the good user experience and the order of the marketing activities, upon approval of its applications, the Merchant shall not suspend/terminate the cooperation with Tmall on the marketing activities for no reason without the consent of Tmall.
The framework of stores on Tmall Platform is designed, built, and displayed uniformly by Tmall, including the design of a store’s space, pages, and modules (e.g. consumer protection), the embedding of functions, the creation and display of content, etc. Tmall may release and display modules or information related to Tmall’s events (e.g. the rendering of the platform during the Double Eleven event) to a Merchant based on the event details, the Merchant’s service level, operations compliance, and competitiveness, etc. The Merchant may refurbish its store within the store framework. In case any intellectual property assets of Tmall are used to refurbish the Merchant’s store, the Merchant shall obtain Tmall’s consent in advance.
The Merchant shall have the obligation to issue to the Buyer formal invoices based on the amount paid by the Buyer for the transaction at the Merchant’s Tmall store, and to report and make full payment of taxes to the competent taxation authority with respect to the actual transaction amount of its Tmall store.
(三)消费者保障(Consumer Protection)
The Merchant understands and agrees that it is the subject of responsibility of Consumer protection. When the Merchant displays and sells to the Buyer the commodities through Tmall by using Payment Services in accordance with this Agreement, it shall perform the obligations of Consumer protection, including without limitation basic Consumer protection, Tmall worry-free purchase and other industry-specific services (the details of which shall be subject to relevant Rules of Tmall).
Unless it is provided for in laws, the Merchant agrees that the contract between the Merchant and the Customer shall take effect after the Customer select the Merchant’s commodities or services and submit the order successfully,unless it is provided for in laws or otherwise agreed by both sides, the Merchant shall not cancel the contract.
The Merchant agrees that when Tmall accepts complaint and application for compensation from any Buyer in respect of Consumer protection, it shall actively cooperate and provide relevant evidence within the time limit required by Tmall. The Merchant agrees that Tmall may determine whether the Merchant shall perform the obligations of refund or compensation pursuant to this Agreement after its examination of the relevant evidence with a knowledge level of the general public. If Tmall determines that the Merchant shall refund, pay liquidated damages or compensation to the Consumer, the Merchant agrees that subject to compliance with laws and this Agreement, Tmall may notify MYBank/ Payment Institution to directly debit the corresponding amount from the Merchant’s deposit to Consumer, or Tmall may use its own funds to pay the same to the Consumer on behalf of the Merchant, under which circumstance Tmall shall have the right to recover such amount from the Merchant.
(四)平台治理(Management of Platform)
In order to perform the obligations under the relevant laws and regulations, protect rights and interests of Consumers and maintain the order of the platform, Tmall may review data relating to the Merchant’s commodity, transaction and store. Given that there is an extremely large quantity of information on online transaction platform and that information on the Internet is not attached to physical commodities, it is impossible for Tmall to verify every and each commodity and/or service, and Tmall is not obliged to verify in advance all Merchants’transactions or other matters relating thereto, unless otherwise expressly specified in laws. However, if upon Tmall’s receipt of notices from Consumers, regulatory authorities, right owners or any other third parties, or based on Tmall’s comprehensive analysis of multi-dimensional big data concerning commodities, transactions and stores, Tmall believes that there may be illegal or improper acts on the platform, or that a certain Merchant, transaction or information may have violated the relevant laws and regulations or this Agreement, you acknowledge that Tmall may make reasonable judgment in respect of the relevant issues with a knowledge level of the general public, and send a notice to the Merchant for inquiry or requiring its correction, or directly delete the relevant information, or take restrictive measures against the Merchant’s store, or stop its provision of the Services to the Merchant, depending on the specific circumstances.
If a third party requires Tmall to delete certain information of the Merchant on the ground of infringement, unless otherwise provided by laws, you agree that Tmall shall not be liable for such deletion. If it is finally proved that the claim of such third party is of bad faith or lacks evidence, you agree to make claim against such third party on your own.
In respect of the transaction of commodities published by the Merchant which violate laws and regulations or might cause personal injury or property damage to the Consumers which would cause the contract’s invalidity or cancellation, the Merchant agrees that Tmall may cancel such transaction, or notify Consumers to claim refund and return the commodities in case the transaction is completed.
In order to perform the obligations under the laws and regulations, protect the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, and maintain the order of the platform, Tmall may establish and implement the Rules and procedures to prevent passing-off and infringement, and ensure that the Merchant is able to give a reasonable notice to Tmall of any passing-off or infringement. Upon receipt of a notice from the Merchant, Tmall shall handle the information and accounts in connection with passing-off or infringement of the Merchant’s intellectual property rights in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and Rules. With respect to the commodities submitted by the Consumer to Tmall for determination which have been determined by Tmall as fake, the Merchant agrees that Tmall may contact administration for industry and commerce to directly destroy such commodities instead of returning them to the Merchant.
The Merchant recognizes and accepts that Tmall may carry out spot check of commodities in terms of their quality and authenticity in accordance with the published Rules and procedures. If the commodities are found to have quality defects or are determined as fake after the spot check, all necessary and reasonable expenses relating to the spot check shall be borne by the Merchant.
The Merchant agrees that Tmall may prohibit the sales of commodities on Tmall Platform if the brand of commodities and the associated brand of commodities in the same category (including without limitation the brand jointly used on the commodities in the same category and the brand registered by the same applicant and used on other commodities in the same category) fall into the following categories, whether such brands are the major identifiers of commodities:
Such brands violate the mandatory standards, or materially breach the recommendation standards;
Such brands are determined by Tmall according to the specific methods and procedures provided by the Rules as counterfeiting the trade mark, commodity name, packaging, enterprise name, commodity quality mark of others, or as confusingly similar thereto.
6、 商户认可并接受天猫基于提升消费者体验及平台商户经营能力,从品牌、店铺等维度对商户经营进行的考核及天猫所制定并公示的相关考核标准,并承诺在考核中诚实守信,不对考核结果弄虚作假。如商户违反前述承诺或在考核中最终未能达标的,商户同意天猫可根据相关规则/考核标准终止本协议或对店铺采取相应处理(包括店铺监管、限制店铺类型等)。
The Merchant recognizes and accepts that in order to improve Consumer experience and the Merchants’operation capability on the platform, Tmall may establish and publish the Appraisal Standards and appraise the Merchants’operation from multiple aspects including branding and store. The Merchant undertakes that it will adhere to the principle of good faith and integrity in the process of such appraisal, and will not commit fraud or illegal act in respect of the appraisal result. In case the Merchant violates the above undertaking, or fails to pass such appraisal, the Merchant agrees that Tmall may terminate this Agreement or take countermeasures against the store (including monitoring the store, restricting the store’s type, etc.) pursuant to relevant rules/appraisal standards.
If it is determined in any effective national legal instrument or the administrative punishment decision that the Merchant has conducted illegal act, or if Tmall believes that the Merchant has conducted illegal act or violated this Agreement with sufficient factual evidence, Tmall shall have the right to publish on Tmall platform the Merchant’s illegal act and/or violation of regulations and the relevant countermeasures taken by Tmall Platform in accordance with laws or this Agreement.
(五)数据使用及信息授权等(Use of Data and Information Authorization)
Tmall respects and protects the data generated during the Merchant’s and other related entities’ use of the Services. Under this premise, Tmall has rights to collect and record data generated during the Merchant’s the use of the Services and other Tmall platform operations and the said data constitutes Tmall’s trade secrets. The Merchant shall not use the foregoing data for purposes other than those agreed in this Agreement without the prior written consent of Tmall, nor shall it provide such data to others in any form.
Tmall respects and protects the Merchant’s trade secrets such as the GMV of its store, the transaction amount of a certain category or an item. In order to promote the Merchant’s store or its products, Tmall may publicize the GMV of its store, the transaction amount of a certain category or an item during its participation in Tmall’s official marketing activities (e.g. the Double 11 Global Shopping Festival). Tmall may also use the above information for promotion.
Within the scope permitted by law, for the purpose of promoting related products and/or related brands, the Merchant hereby authorizes Tmall to copy (e.g. simultaneously display on multiple clients), modify (e.g. fine-tune to adapt to the mobile visual experience), adapt (e.g. increase the overall design elements of the platform), and translate (e.g. to meet the needs of overseas buyers) all kinds of information (e.g. product trademarks, logos, text, images) it displays in its Tmall store on the related display promotion page of the Tmall platform free of charge, and allows Tmall to re-authorize the above rights.
All rights (including copyright, trademark right, patent right, trade secrets, and other related rights) to all official products, technologies, software, programs, data and other information (including text, icons, images, photos, audios, videos, graphics, color combinations, and layouts) released by Tmall are owned by Tmall and its affiliates. Except for the data that the Merchant has the right to use for commercial purpose in accordance with the relevant laws, the Merchant agrees not to use any other data on Tmall for commercial purpose, including but not limited to using any material displayed by other users on the Tmall Platform by copying, transmitting or disclosing it to others without the prior written approval of Tmall.
The Merchant must strictly abide by the requirements of the laws related to network security and data protection. If the information collected, used and shared by the Merchant during its operations involves users’ personal information, the Merchant must follow the principles of lawfulness, justness and necessity, and must not violate the provisions of relevant laws and the agreement between the Merchant and users, including: In the absence of other user authorizations, the Merchant shall use the necessary information related to the transaction, such as users’ order information, only for the purpose of satisfying the users’ purchase of products or services and completing after-sales service as stipulated in the Tmall Privacy Policy; the Merchant shall not use users’ information or illegally provide users’ personal information to others without the users’ explicit consent or beyond the users’ authorization scope.
If the information provided by the Merchant to Tmall includes any sensitive personal information, such as the photocopy of the ID card of the corporate legal representative or his/her ID number, the Merchant warrants that it has obtained the express consent of such individual, and the relevant use and purpose thereof comply with his/her own intentions and the requirements of relevant laws.
The Merchant shall use necessary technical measures to ensure data safety, and take remedial measures immediately, promptly notify the user and report to the competent authority in accordance with rules where there is or may be any information security risk.
Tmall will display the products and/or services you sell on the Tmall platform, and provide users with tools or functional modules for information classification, keyword search, filtering and collection to better meet users’ needs. The corresponding display results may be determined by various factors such as prices, sales volume, credit evaluation, service level, compliance operation, user preferences and operation, and competitiveness. Moreover, for commodities and services of higher quality that match users’ needs as identified through Tmall’s comprehensive assessment, Tmall may provide the Merchant with the opportunity to have such commodities and services recommended and displayed to users based on big data algorithms and technical capabilities, and may make adjustment when necessary based on the dynamic changes of the Merchant’s commodities and/or services.
You are required to pay attention to and strictly abide by the laws and regulations related to import and export control, trade restrictions and economic sanctions that may affect your transactions, so as to avoid losses to you or buyers. You are also required to comply with all import and export related laws and regulations applicable to the software, technology and services of this platform. Given the need to maintain the transaction order and transaction security of the Tmall platform, if the Merchant violates the aforementioned commitments, Tmall may remove the related products, close the relevant transaction orders, or perform other operations at its sole discretion after discovering the above violations.
Tmall may transfer all or part of its rights and obligations hereunder to any Tmall’s Affiliate based on its business adjustment, which transfer will not affect the rights or interests of the Merchant hereunder, and will be notified to the Merchant at least 30 days in advance in the form of announcement on Tmall Platform website.
七、服务的开通和期限(Service Activation and Service Term)
Services shall be activated within fourteen (14) working days after all the following conditions are met:
You meet the current Admission Standards and pass the review by Tmall after submission of your information to Tmall;
You sign this Agreement and the Tmall Merchant Service Terms with Tmall by clicking online the button of confirmation;
The annual fee of software service payable by you has been successfully suspended in your Payment Account, or debited to Tmall’s account;
Your deposit has been successfully suspended/paid;
You have never undergone the termination of cooperation by, and have never violated any agreement with, Tmall prior to your application for use of the Services;
Tmall has delivered to you a notice of Service Activation.
The service term shall commence as of the date of actual Service Activation and end on December 31, 2024.
Upon expiration of the service term, unless in any circumstance under which this Agreement shall be terminated as set out herein, if Tmall never requires you to sign a separate agreement in respect of continuing your cooperation with Tmall, and if you satisfy the relevant conditions for Service Activation of the subsequent year as announced by Tmall, the service term may be automatically extended to December 31 of subsequent year.
If you fail to satisfy all the conditions set forth in Clause 7.1 hereof within fourteen (14) working days after execution or online acceptance of this Agreement, or Tmall sends a notice of refusing to provide the Services to the Merchant for any reason, Tmall shall be entitled to reject the Service Activation and terminate this Agreement. If this Agreement is terminated before Service Activation, unless otherwise provided by laws, Tmall shall assume no liability for breach or compensation.
Trade secret referred to herein shall include the content of this Agreement and any supplementary agreement, and other confidential information involved in the cooperation process. Without the consent of the Party providing the trade secret, none of the Parties shall disclose, distribute, edit or display confidential information to any third party. The Parties hereto undertake to be bound by the confidentiality obligations set forth in this clause until three years after the termination hereof. The disclosing Party will not be liable for disclosure of trade secret if the disclosure is agreed by the relevant Party in written form or is due to the mandatory requirement of the administrative or judicial authority or if such trade secret has entered the public domain at the time of disclosure.
九、反商业贿赂及反不正当竞争(Anti-commercial Bribery and Anti-unfair Competition)
In the event that you or your employee, shareholder, legal representative, actual controller or affiliate offers any benefits in kind, cash, cash equivalent, labor services or travel to employees or consultants of Tmall or Tmall’s Affiliates with a value which significantly exceeds the normal range of a gift, it shall be deemed as a commercial bribery by you. If Tmall reasonably determines that you may be involved in any commercial bribery based on whistleblowing by third parties or the operation status of the Merchant’s store, Tmall may take restrictive measures such as store blocking and store suspension against you. Upon verification of the Merchant’s commercial bribery, Tmall shall be entitled to immediately terminate all cooperation relations (including this Agreement and other related agreements) with the Merchant and claim liquidated damages or compensation against the Merchant (the amount of liquidated damages shall be subject to the Rules and the compensation amount shall be calculated based on the economic loss and loss of goodwill suffered by Tmall owing to such bribery).
Tmall set up a special email address [fengkongguize@alibaba-inc.com]. which you can report to, in case that a merchant finds any misconduct of Tmall employees in violation of collaboration principles on Anti-commercial Bribery and Anti-unfair Competition aforementioned. Tmall will investigate and deal with complaints from merchants to create a fairer and healthier business cooperation environment.
Tmall will continue to aim at improving the reputation of customers and creating value for merchants, strictly abide by the cooperative principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness and integrity, and fully respect the independent operation rights of merchants. If the merchant finds that the employee of the Tmall has violated the above Cooperation principles, he/she can report to the Tmall on his/her own initiative Tmall set up a special supervision mailbox [Tmall-tousu@Alibaba-inc.com]]. Tmall will follow the principles of confidentiality and objectivity to investigate and handle the complaints from merchants and create a fairer and healthier business cooperation environment.
十、有限责任(Limited Liability)
Tmall Services will be provided “as is” and “as available”. You have fully understood the functions and Services features of Tmall Platform before your acceptance of this Agreement and activation of Tmall Services, and agree that Tmall will not be liable to you for any existing software defect, functional inadequacy or any issues that needs improvement, unless otherwise expressly provided for in laws.
As Tmall provides Services to a large number of Merchants, which Services are complicated and technically demanding, you acknowledge that Tmall will only assume the liability for breach or compensation in respect of any loss incurred by you owing to its wilful or gross negligence or other circumstances expressly stipulated in laws, and such liability will not exceed the amount agreed by the Parties or stipulated in laws.
Downloading Services or obtaining any data through Tmall by you is based on your own independent judgment and at your own risk for any possible damage to the computer system or loss of data.
Tmall will perform the basic obligations of safeguarding your use of Tmall according to laws, provided, however, that Tmall will not be liable for any failure of or delay in providing Services owing to Internet connection failure, computer system failure, communication failure, power shortage, computer virus, hacker’s attack, strike, labor dispute, rebellion, insurrection, riot, fire, flood, storm, explosion, war and other force majeure events or reasons attributable to third parties, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in laws.
Tmall will only serve as a venue for users to look for counterparties, conduct transaction negotiations and obtain services relating to transactions. The execution of this Agreement does not means that Tmall becomes a party to the transaction between you and a third party on Tmall, for which transaction Tmall only provides software Services, and does not make any guarantee, explicit or implied, for the legality or validity of your acts, or the authenticity, legality or validity of commodities.
You authorize Tmall to perform Consumer protection obligations and assume the liability for compensation to the Buyers on your behalf. In the case that Tmall makes compensation to the Buyers on your behalf, you acknowledge Tmall’s determination of liability in respect of transaction disputes with a knowledge level of the general public and the conclusion thereof, and agree to claim for refund against the relevant Buyers on your own if it is finally proved that such determination is incorrect or the amount of compensation is excessive, without holding Tmall liable therefor or making any claim against Tmall, unless otherwise expressly stipulated in laws.
Automatic termination: If this Agreement is completely performed, or the Tmall Payment Service Agreement executed between the Merchant and Alipay or the MYBank Performance Guarantee Service Agreement executed between the Merchant and MYBank is terminated for any reason, this Agreement terminates simultaneously.
Termination by notice: Either Party hereto may terminate this Agreement by giving a thirty (30) days’prior written notice, provided that, if the Merchant has promised Tmall a minimum transaction amount and/or minimum category software service fee, the Merchant shall not unilaterally terminate this Agreement unless the minimum transaction amount is reached or the minimum fee is settled. Where the Merchant intends to terminate this Agreement by notice in accordance with this clause, it shall apply for termination of this Agreement by clicking online the button “Confirm to terminate” (the specific wording shall be subject to that displayed in the system), in which case the Merchant’s store shall immediately be in the status of “announcement prior to termination of business operatoin” (namely, for a certain period of time, announcement will be displayed on the homepage of the Merchant’s store that it is going to terminate its business operation and all commodities therein will be inaccessible through search, visit of the store or links of commodities), and this Agreement will terminate thirty (30) days thereafter.
Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, this Agreement shall automatically terminate:
if the Merchant breaches this Agreement to the extent that the cooperation must be terminated as agreed herein;
upon expiration of the reasonable period for rectification designated by Tmall, if the Merchant breaches this Agreement and still fails to rectify such breach after being notified by Tmall with such reasonable period for rectification;
if the Merchant’s deposit is not full and the Merchant fails to supplement the shortfall and, after being demanded by Tmall, still fails to do so within the designated period;
if the Merchant loses its qualification as a legal entity (e.g., it is deregistered or its business license is revoked); or
if the Merchant fails to log in to Tmall with Tmall account and password for more than ninety (90) days.
(四) 协议终止后有关事项的处理:
Upon the termination hereof, the relevant matters shall be handled as follows:
After termination of this Agreement, Tmall is not obliged to keep any information in or relating to the Merchant’s account for the Merchant, or forward any information that is not read or sent to the Merchant or third parties, and Tmall will not be liable to the Merchant or any third party in respect of such termination, unless otherwise provided for by the laws. Any compensation and liability caused by the Merchant’s act before such termination shall be fully and solely assumed by the Merchant;
Tmall has the right to retain the Merchant’s registration data and transaction behavior record after the termination hereof. Tmall may still exercise the rights as provided herein against the Merchant’s violation of laws or breach of this Agreement on Tmall Platform prior to the termination hereof;
For any commodity the information of which is uploaded by the Merchant prior to the termination hereof, Tmall may delete such information upon termination hereof if no transaction has been entered into with respect to such commodity, or maintain such information without revoking the transaction and notify the Buyer of the termination hereof if a transaction has been entered into.
The Merchant’s Tmall store will immediately enter the withdrawal procedures upon Tmall’s confirmation of termination hereof. Within thirty (30) days after the Merchant enters the withdrawal procedures, the Merchant may use and only use its Tmall account to handle transaction disputes and accounting and invoice settlement with Tmall.
In the event that this Agreement is early terminated not owing to the Merchant’s breach or fault, the Merchant may request Tmall to refund fees for Services that are not performed to the bank account designated by the Merchant, with the original invoice issued by Tmall hereunder (if issued) and the application for refund. If this Agreement is terminated under any other circumstances, the fees for Services that are not performed will be directly taken as a part of the liquidated damages or compensation payable by the Merchant.
After termination of this Agreement, the Merchant agrees that Tmall may notify Payment Institution to suspend the payment with the balance in the Merchant’s Payment Account for 30 days for the purpose of solving performance disputes or compensating Consumers and third parties’ claims after such termination.
The Merchant shall bring a lawsuit before the people’s court with jurisdiction within 30 calendar days after receipt of the termination notice if it disagrees with Tmall’s termination hereof.
十二、违约责任(Liability for Breach)
If the Merchant violates the relevant laws and regulations, infringes rights and interests of third parties (e.g., Consumers, right owners or actual users of commodities/services) or otherwise breaches this Agreement, the Merchant shall pay the corresponding liquidated damages to Tmall pursuant to this Agreement, and make compensation for the losses suffered by Tmall, if any, including.
The fines, liquidated damages or compensation paid by Tmall for administrative punishment, effective judgment, and mediation within the scope of statutory standards;
reasonable attorney’s costs paid by Tmall and necessary expenses for elimination of negative influence;
other losses suffered by Tmall arising therefrom.
If the Merchant is widely reported by social media to sell inferior or fake products or commits a serious violation of the law in store operations, Tmall may require the Merchant to pay not less than RMB 200,000 as liquidated damages.
Unless otherwise agreed herein, if the Merchant fails to pay any amount that is due and payable to Tmall, the Merchant shall pay liquidated damages to Tmall from the day immediately after due date at 0.5% of the outstanding amount for each day of delay.
Each Party may unilaterally terminate this Agreement pursuant to the provisions hereof without any liability for breach, provided, however, that, if the Merchant that undertakes to pay Tmall the minimum category software service fee intends to terminate this Agreement, it must pay Tmall the minimum category software service fee in full prior to the termination hereof; otherwise, it shall be deemed as the Merchant’s breach of this Agreement and the Merchant shall be liable for such breach.
If the Merchant fails to issue an invoice or issues an invoice of an incorrect type to Tmall in respect of the credit collaboration fee of the previous year, breaching Clause 5.1 hereof, the Merchant agrees to pay an amount equal to 30% of the invoice amount of the credit collaboration fee of the previous year as liquidated damages.
If the Merchant violates Subparagraph 7 of Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of this Agreement, Tmall may deduct the Merchant’s balance of all security deposit as the compensation for breach of contract, and may also recover other losses (including the loss of reasonable expected interest) thereby caused from the Merchant.
In case of damage to the Merchant’s rights and interests owing to Tmall’s willful or gross negligence, Tmall’s liability for breach or compensation to the Merchant shall be calculated based on the Merchant’s direct actual losses.
十三、商业关系终止(Termination of Business Relations)
Tmall shall be entitled to immediately terminate the Merchant’s use of any Services of Tmall (including but not limited to shut down all stores operated by the Merchant on Tmall), and Tmall and its Affiliates may also terminate any cooperation with the Merchant and never conduct any business cooperation with the Merchant, if during the use of Tmall Services (including but not limited to all Services hereunder), the Merchant or its actual controller, director, manager or person in charge of a certain business:
Commits commercial bribery in violation of the principle of business integrity or affecting the business goodwill of Tmall; or
Is suspected of criminal offense in violation of the principle of business integrity or affecting the business goodwill of Tmall; or
Commits any other act in violation of the principle of business integrity or affecting the business goodwill of Tmall.
十四、有效通知(Valid Notice)
(一)有效联系方式(Valid Contact Information)
You must provide true and valid contact information at your registration at Tmall and timely update the same in case of any changes to ensure that you are always reachable. The Tmall account (including sub-accounts) generated in your registration at Tmall for login on Tmall Platform to receive and send website messages, system messages and Aliwangwang instant messages is also a valid way to contact you. Tmall will send notices to you through one or more ways set forth above, and such notices may have significant impact, positive or negative, on your rights and obligations, to which you must pay appropriate attention.
(二)通知的送达(Delivery of Notices)
Any notice sent by you to Tmall hereunder shall be in writing and subject to the receipt by Tmall Customer Satisfaction Division (No.1 Post Office, No. 969 West Wenyi Road, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, PC: 311121).
When Tmall sends you notices using the valid contact information provided by you to Tmall, any written notice sent will be deemed delivered on the fifth calendar day after being posted according to the contact address provided by you if it is sent in hard copy, or once sent successfully if it is sent to you via electronic means (such as announcements on Tmall Platform or Taobao platform, SMS to the contact number provided by you, email to the email address provided by you, Aliwangwang message, system message and website message to your account).
In respect of any dispute arising out of the operations on Tmall, you agree that the court and other judicial authorities may deliver to you the litigation instruments and other legal instruments by SMS, email, Aliwangwang or other means of communication or by mail. The contact number, email address, Aliwangwang account or other contact information designated by you for service of process shall be the contact number and email address provided by you in your registration at and updated on Tmall, and the Aliwangwang account generated in your registration at Tmall. Any legal instrument sent by the judicial authorities using such contact information shall be deemed as served. The postal address designated by you shall be your legal contact address or the valid contact address provided by you. You acknowledge that the judicial authorities may send legal instruments to you through any one or more ways above, and in case of service in more than one way, the notice shall be deemed as received at the earliest time. The above ways of service shall be applicable to all judicial proceedings, including but not limited to the first instance, the second instance, retrial, enforcement and demand proceedings.
You warrant that the contact information provided by you is accurate and valid. You shall timely inform Tmall and/or judicial authorities of the new valid contact information if there is any change. You shall be solely liable for the legal consequences of failure in or delay of service of process due to inaccurate contact information provided by you or your delay of notification of the new information.
十五、争议解决及其他(Dispute Resolution and Others)
The interpretation and application of and any dispute in connection with this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. As this Agreement is performed on Tmall Platform, the Parties hereto acknowledge that it shall be deemed that this Agreement is performed in Yuhang District, Hangzhou, where Tmall Platform is operated, and agree that the people’s court with jurisdiction at such place shall be the competent court for the first instance in case of any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement.
If any provision hereof is found invalid or unenforceable, such invalid or unenforceable provision shall be severable, and the remaining provisions shall still have legal force and enforceability.
Tmall’s waiver of its rights hereunder in case of any negligence or breach hereof by the Merchant shall not be construed as its waiver in respect of any other or subsequent similar negligence or breach by the Merchant.
This Agreement is made in both Chinese and English languages, in case of any discrepancy between the Chinese version and English version, Chinese version shall prevail. Unless otherwise stated, Tmall Service Agreement mentioned in the agreements signed between the Merchant and Tmall and/or Tmall’s Affiliates refers to this Agreement.
十六、协议附件清单( List of Appendices)
The Appendices hereto constitute an integral part of and have the same legal effect with this Agreement.
附件一 授权书
Appendix 1: Letter of Authorization
附件二 天猫商户服务条款
Appendix 2: Tmall Merchant Service Terms
附件一(Appendix 1):
授权书(Letter of Authorization)
To: All Payment Institutions 
We hereby notify you with this letter that we authorize you to directly suspend the payment with and make payment from the balance in our Payment Account or funds to be settled at Tmall’s instruction in accordance with the Tmall Merchant Service Agreement signed among us, Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd.,Zhejiang Tmall Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Tmall Commercial Technology Co., Ltd..
附件二(Appendix 2):
Tmall Merchant Service Terms
Services Provided by Party B and Service Fees
Name of Charges
Method of Payment
Software Service in Relation to Internet Information Service
Category Software 
Service fee
Rate × Transaction amount
According to the specific rate applicable to the category of commodities actually sold (for details, please refer to the List of Category Service Fee for Annually Subscribed Software in Each Category in the Relevant Year of Tmall)
Real-time debit by Payment Institution from the purchase order price paid by the Buyer to the Merchant to Tmall’s account for payment collection
The system automatically makes calculation based on the corresponding rate specified in the List of Category Service Fee for Annually Subscribed Software in Each Category in the Relevant Year of Tmall according to the commodity information in a successful transaction actually made by Party A, and makes the real-time debit of the service fee as specified in the “formula”.
Annual fee of software service
Calculated according to the rate in the List of Category dService Fee for Annually Subscribed Software in Each Category in the Relevant Year announced by Tmall and the service term.
Payment in advance for one year in a lump sum before Service Activation
In order to encourage Merchants to improve service quality and transaction amount, Tmall will give Merchants conditional commercial discounts in respect of the annual fee of software service (special categories excluded). For details of conditions and criterion of discounts, please refer to the Criterion of Payment, Discount and Settlement of Annual Fee for Software Service in the Relevant Year of Tmall.
Software service in relation to the credit system
Credit System Software Service fee
Formula: Rate × Quantity of credits granted by Tmall
Real-time debit by Payment Institution from the purchase order price paid by the Buyer to the Merchant or from the Merchant’s Payment Account to Tmall’s account for payment collection
The current rate is 1% and subject to the specific percentage then specified in the system.
Services Provided by Party C and Service Charges
Internet Information Service
Display service fee
Free of charge for now
Secondary Domain Name Service
Secondary Domain Name Service fee
Free of charge for now
Other Services
Market survey fee, etc.
Free of charge for now
Services Provided by Party D and Service Charges
Merchant Basic Software Service
Merchant Basic Software Service fee
Rate × Transaction amount
Real-time debit by Payment Institution from the purchase order price paid by the Buyer to the Merchant to Tmall’s account for payment collection
The current rate is 0.6% and subject to the specific percentage then specified in the system.
Service Term
From the date of Service Activation to December 31, 2024 (to December 31 of the subsequent year in case of any automatic renewal of the service term)


2024-9-24 21:06:09



2024-9-27 23:58:38

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